We are raising the bar of existing legacy building materials with NanoArchitech’s super materials; essentially creating a whole new form of architecture. Our patented methods and materials for cost saving, long lasting resilient structures present a long needed shift to advanced materials . This platform technology changes everything .

NeuskynsTM exterior coating provides a thermal barrier, saves energy and money and vastly reduces CO2 emissions during manufacturing (by 80-90%) compared to toxic production of common cement in high heat kilns.

NanoArchitech will help rescue our stressed ecosystems by providing resilient building envelopes. This will greatly reduce waste and land filling from legacy materials that are destroyed by water, fire, mold and toxins. We can no longer afford to waste billions of dollars and landfill billions of tons of waste annually.

In one form or another there will be unexpected events coming throughout the world. “It’s better to be safe than sorry!” as the saying goes. The time has come to prepare our communities with resilient structures and safe food supplies locally sourced.

NeuskynsTM nanocomposite is additionally beneficial inside and offers hypo-allergenic and antimicrobial protection. It is well suited for creating  mold free indoor environments for hydroponics, aquaponics and medical buildings.  We minimize product-cycle environmental impact and reduce CO2. Buildings made with NeuskynsTM provide a safe haven for those with chemical sensitivity, relief from mold related toxins and disease caused by conventional building materials and their shortcomings. This is the nano difference!