
Nano-Architechnology is a playful name that describes the synthesis of architecture as it meets new species of interdisciplinary fields merging architectural forms, using material science, to address challenges and resolve global CO2, emissions while providing greater resilience to the climate crisis.

It is the convergence of chemistry, biology, and physics in an interdisciplinary fusion with architecture, engineering, and biomimicry. Recent scientific breakthroughs offer greatly enhanced capabilities to manipulate matter at an atomic level through nanotechnology. 

On the nanoscale, we have much greater leverage in selecting the characteristics of matter. NeuskynsTM nanoceramic composites are revolutionizing the building industry and bringing forth powerful, cost-effective solutions to sustain our planet. Providing the ultimate resilient materials needed for human health and safety as climate disruption and intensity is on the rise, is critical and urgent.

See this Science Direct link for more information about Nano-Architechnology.